What type of advertising can be experienced 24 hours a day, seven days a week, isn't encompassed by editorial, programming or photographs, and can be targeted to reach specific audiences by neighborhood? If you guessed outdoor, you're right. Outdoor advertising includes billboards , posters, airport ads, bus signs, mall posters transit shelters , stadium signs , bench advertising and more. It is estimated that there are more than 40 types of outdoor advertising, with billboards being the most widely recognized media. Outdoor advertising also has another advantage, which is cost, opening the door for all advertisers - small or large. Outdoor advertising is 80 percent less expensive than TV, 60 percent less expensive than newspapers and 50 percent less expensive than radio. Unlike other advertising mediums, the audience viewing outdoor advertising is often bored, looking for something to read. This is what makes a moving billboard, like a bus , so interest...
Outdoor advertising or better yet known as " out-of-home " (OOH) is reaching its high peak moment as technology, data and infrastructure are now seamlessly coming together. According to the 2018 IPA study, Marketing Effectiveness in the Digital Era, done by Les Binet and Peter Field highlights the importance of reach and time spent with a medium as key drivers of effectiveness. OOH, in its entirety, continues to deliver more than 90% reach and three hours spent in its company every day underlines its importance and resilience in a transforming media landscape. Added to that, the report also highlights that, ever since the inception of digital OOH, the effectiveness of the medium has nearly doubled. OOH growth According to PWC Global Entertainment and Media Outlook 2015–2019 report, digital out-of-home (DOOH) advertising alongside internet advertising will be another high-growth area, with revenues rising at a 13.2% compound annual growth rate (CAGR). Gi...